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    [Guide] SEEDS

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    [Guide] SEEDS Left_bar_bleue100/100[Guide] SEEDS Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

    [Guide] SEEDS Empty [Guide] SEEDS

    Post by Yume1991 Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:02 am

    Element of Seed

    There are different elements of Seeds Spheres. Each has different attributes as well. Combining different elements enables you to Unblock Bonus Option for you seed items.

    The Element of Seed Sphere are the following:


    Water Element Seed
    Water Element Seed Spheres are usually mounted on Seed Set Item Parts and Shields. These seed spheres gives you defensive type options for your sets. Among the water element seed spheres are:

    [Guide] SEEDS 110

    Block Rating Increase - Increases the Success Rate of using your full defense to block damages received by a certain percentage
    Defense increase   - Increases the defense by the attribute
    Shield defense increase - Increases Defense Shield Bar by a certain percentage
    Damage reduction - Reduces the Damage Received by a certain percentage
    Damage reflection - Reflects back to the opponent the percentage of the damage received ....

    Wind Element Seed
    Wind Element Seed Spheres are usually mounted on Seed Set Item Parts and Shields. These seed spheres gives you extra stat enhancers mainly on HP and Mana. Among the wind element seed spheres are:

    [Guide] SEEDS 210

    Life auto-recovery increase- Increases your life automatic recovery by a percentage. This option is the same as the excellent option on rings
    Maximum Life increase - Increases Maximum Life by a certain point
    Maximum Mana increase  - Increase Maximum Mana by a certain point
    Automatic Mana recovery increase  - Increases automatic regeneration of Mana by a percentage.
    Maximum AG increase - Increases Maximum AG amount by a certain point ...

    Fire Element Seed
    Fire Element Seed Spheres are usually mounted on Seed Weapons. These seed spheres gives you a increase in damage type options for weapons. Among the fire seeds are:

    [Guide] SEEDS 310

    ( Level Type )Attack/Wizardry damage increase - Increases your Weapon Damage and Skill damage by a certain point depending on the character's level
    Attack speed increase - Increases attack speed by a certain point
    Maximum attack/Wizardry damage increase - Increases Maximum Damage of weapons
    Minimum attack/Wizardry damage increase - Increases Minimum Damage of weapons
    Attack/Wizardry damage increase - Increases overall Damage of weapons
    Slight AG Reduction - Reduces AG Consumption by a certain percentage .....

    Ice Element Seed
    Ice Element Seed Spheres are usually mounted on Seed Weapons. These seed spheres gives you increases on weapon attributes. Among the Ice Seeds are:

    [Guide] SEEDS 410

    Monster Destruction Life Increase - Increases Life after killing monsters by a certain point
    Monster Destruction Mana Increase - Increases Mana after killing monsters by a certain point
    Skill Attack Increase  - Increases Skill Power by a certain point
    Attack Accuracy Increase - Increases attacking success rate by a certain point. Used for countering Defense Success Rate of opponent
    Item Strengthen - Increases item durability by a certain percentage .....

    Lightning Element Seed
    Lightning Element Seed Spheres are usually mounted on Seed Weapons. These seed spheres gives increases your excellent and critical damage. Among the lightning element seed spheres are:

    [Guide] SEEDS 510

    Excellent Damage Increase - Increases you final Excellent Damage by a certain point
    Excellent Damage rate Increase - Increases your success rate of inflicting excellent damage to your opponent by a certain rate
    Critical Damage Increase  - Increases your final Critical Damage by a certain point
    Critical Damage Rate - Increases your success rate of inflicting critical damage to your opponent by a certain rate ....

    Earth Element Seed
    Earth element seed spheres are usually mounted on Seed Set item parts or shields. This element gives you extra stamina.There is only one Earth element seed sphere :

    [Guide] SEEDS 610

    Health Increase - Increases your stamina by a certain point and used to Unlock your set/items

    Last edited by Yume1991 on Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Me busta
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    [Guide] SEEDS Empty Re: [Guide] SEEDS

    Post by Baphomet Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:36 am

    Good Job
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    [Guide] SEEDS Left_bar_bleue100/100[Guide] SEEDS Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

    [Guide] SEEDS Empty Re: [Guide] SEEDS

    Post by Yume1991 Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:38 pm

    ill fix this later Very Happy
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    [Guide] SEEDS Left_bar_bleue100/100[Guide] SEEDS Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

    [Guide] SEEDS Empty Re: [Guide] SEEDS

    Post by Yume1991 Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:52 pm

    done Smile

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    [Guide] SEEDS Left_bar_bleue100/100[Guide] SEEDS Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

    [Guide] SEEDS Empty Re: [Guide] SEEDS

    Post by dregon Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:14 pm


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